K & K Hula Halau


K & K Hula Halau, Las Vegas Sister Halau to K & K Hula Halau, Maui

Aloha, We are a Hula Halau that has been established on the island of Maui now for 25 years. We are expanding to our 2nd location in the Southside of Las Vegas soon. We are currently in search of the perfect location which should be anytime now, that being said we will be opening our Halau in Las Vegas the first week of November 2018.

We are currently taking registrations if you are interested to join our halau please email me and I will forward the registration form to you to fill out and email back to me. Male and Female dancers, experienced or not, children and adults we welcome everyone. We are also looking for drummers for our Tahitian classes & musicians for future performances, please contact us if you want to join this venture with us.

Please come prepared for class with your hula implements in your bag if you have them, a tablet to take notes, a folder for notes you will receive, a pen, a recording device if you have it, water, a towel and your required attire.

  • Our Halau Colors are grey, brown & black on the bottom you will find the exact colors.
  • Beginner’s any class: grey (pahu skirt) or (Pareo) depending on the class you are attending
  • Intermediate any class: brown (pahu skirt) or (Pareo) depending on the class you are attending
  • Advanced any class: black (pahu skirt) or (Pareo) depending on the class you are attending Females:
  • Black tank top, hair in a pony tail (if your hair is long enough)
  • Males: Black tank top or t-shirt and comfortable shorts for all classes.

Below you will find a schedule of weekly classes and fees.

  • There is a one-time $10.00
  • Registration fee $ 50.00 a month for (1) class (you are required to take a Mon., Tues., or Wed. night class that corresponds to your skill level)
  • $10.00 a month for each additional class you take
  • Performance & Competition classes are free

Example A:

  • Hula Auana, Maori, Samoan $50.00
  • Tahitian $10.00 Kahiko $10.00
  • Total $70.00 a month

Example B:

  • Hula Auana, Maori, Samoan $50.00
  • Performance & competition $ 0.00
  • Tahitian $10.00
  • Total $60.00 a month

Monday classes: (Hula Auana, Maori, Samoan)

  • 5pm-6:45pm - Beginner Children (male & female) ages 5-11
  • 7pm-8:45pm - Beginner Adult (Female) ages 12- on up

Tuesday classes: (Hula Auana, Maori, Samoan)

  • 5pm-6:45pm - Intermediate/Advanced Children (male & female) ages 5-11
  • 7pm-8:45pm - Intermediate/Advanced Adult (Female) ages 12-on up

Wednesday classes: (Hula Auana, Maori, Samoan)

  • 5pm-6:45pm - Beginner Adult (Male) ages 12-on up
  • 7pm-8:45pm - Intermediate/Advanced Adult (Male) ages 12-on up

Thursday classes: (Kahiko)

  • 5pm-6:45pm - Children Kahiko (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced) ages 5-11
  • 7pm-8:45pm - Adult Kahiko (Male & Female) (Beginner, Inter, Advanced) ages 12-on up

Friday classes: (Tahitan)

  • 5pm-6:45pm - Beginner Tahitian (Everyone) Children, Adults, Male & Female
  • 7pm-8:45pm - Intermediate/Advanced Tahitian (Everyone) Children, Adults, Male & Female

Saturday classes: (Performance & Competition) Intermediate/Advanced (Everyone)

  • 9am-11am – Intemediate/Advanced (Everyone) Performance & Competition

**Practice times for Tahitian drummers and Halau band to be determined at another time in the near future

  • Beginner class color dark grey
  • Intermediate class color dark brown
  • Advanced class color black
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